Hugo Viana (Bogotá, 1973) and Alejandro Viana (Ibagué, 1976) are plastic and visual artists from Colombia and have studied at the School of Fine Arts of the University of Caldas (Manizales-Col.), in the Academy Superior Arts Bogotá (ASAB) of the District University Francisco José de Caldas (Bogotá D.C., Col.) and the School of San Carlos of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Valencia, Spain).

Together, they have developed a collaborative artistic production, using various media such as drawing, painting, sculpture, multimedia installations and in situ spatial interventions. In their works, Hugo & Alejandro probe the aesthetic boundaries of contemporary art through the use of anthropological symbols. ‘Our artwork is a blurred trace of images reflecting the immanence of the world. With our works we wish to capture a single instant of empathy: always intangible, ephemeral, changeable and eternal’.

Both their individual and collective projects have been commended within national and international curatorial project platforms. Furthermore, their artworks have been exhibited and catalogued by cultural centres, galleries, and museums and have also been included in both public and private collections of Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Mexico, Cuba, United States, Sweden, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy and Spain among others. Currently, the Viana brothers live and work in Colombia.