Art Represent


UAE-based artist Imranovi was born and raised in Damascus, though fled his country following the outbreak of conflict to avoid conscription into Bashar Al Assad's army. It was while studying English Literature at University in Syria that he found his passion for graphics and software: a talent he soon began to refine and develop.

For Imranovi, art is all about symbolism and finding meaning in the unexpected. The artist has created his own visual style, and it was soon after bearing witness to the ravages of war that he began using this language to vocalise his views and communicate to the wider world what he was observing around him. It was the Houla Massacre in 2012, which saw the savage murder of an estimated 49 children at the hands of regime forces, that pushed Imran to develop his practice yet further. 'This incident affected me deeply, and after it occurred, I began visualizing my ideas to support the revolution as much as I can.’

Imranovi takes inspiration from ordinary everyday objects, which may not carry such a powerful meaning until connected to another event or symbol. His 2013 work, 'Merry Christmas', depicting a UN emergency refugee tent within a snow globe is a prime example of this approach. 'I have learnt in the process of making art and observing other artists that simplicity is ultimately the most effective means of approaching any topic.’ – Imranovi